The artist and the Mechanism

Godfrey Levi’s artwork depicts images that are abstract and erratic. These images are rich in interpretation and that was something that I learnt while speaking to the artist and his family. 

Firstly the machine that Godfrey uses is very erratic in a sense. He places a canvas on a motor and its spins at 200-600 rotations a minute. To this he adds the paint to the canvas and lets the machine decide what image it want to show:. 

 “They talk to you. You can’t see what it is doing while it is spinning. It is spinning at anywhere between 200-600 revs a minute. You put on bits of paint around the canvas- but once it’s spinning that paint goes wherever it goes. It’s has a mind of its own…. It’s not like paining a portrait of someone or a still life- where the apple tells you it’s an apple. You can interpret it differently but ultimately it tells you that it wants to be an apple. With the spinning process you haven’t got a clue where it is going to take you. Which I like.”

 This artwork is a reflection of the artist and his emotions. It has been a very cathartic process for him. In the artists words this images are a “mixture of imagination and emotions.” 

 “Cathartic is a good word. Until now I have been calling it more therapy. I don’t know why but it just is. If you asked me to come and paint you now I couldn’t because I have to be in the right mood. The feeling has to be there.” The artwork “is all different emotions that I have felt. I can start out very melancholy and then uplifted by they end. Art invokes memories. It seems to express me. What sort of expression I’m not sure. The combinations and the results are quite limitless. It is an infinite amount of variations that you can get. My way of thinking is slightly scrambled. I don’t know why but I like trying to look at things differently” 

Exhibition – Paintings from the Healing Machine – Godfrey Lewi

The Ministry of Art is proud to present an exhibition by Godfrey Lewi

Thursday 7th August  6.30 – 9.30pm  238 StKilda Road, StKilda 3182
RSVP  to [email protected]
Exhibition open until 21 august 2014
Gallery Open: Fridays 6 – 8pm, Saturdays 12 – 4pm & Sundays 12 – 4pm or 
by appointment – 0403 375 557
[email protected]